West Town Farm
West Town Farm is a working organic farm 3 miles from the centre of Exeter. The farm is part of Higher Level Stewardship and as such is comitted to supporting a rich diversity of wildlife. The farm is diversifying and holds many events, including workshops and weddings as well as farm visits and themed days especially for children.
The brand was already in place and strong although there weren't many supporting graphic assets although some great photos of animals on the farm. I produced a range of posters, business cards, gift certificates and a MailChimp template for the email newsletter.
Poster for an autumn event.
Poster for the regular spring-time event.
Two of a range of gift certifcates.
Two of the business cards produced. Each person's card unique to them.
Mailchimp templated newsletter. A bank of assets, including headers, were produced to cover most newsitems so they could be rotated to look fresh.
West Town Farm

West Town Farm

Branding and collateral produced for organic meat farm in Devon.


Creative Fields