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Toy Story Photo Series | DIY Scale Model Photography

Toy Story | The Photo series
'Toy Story' is a one-of-a-kind photo collectible series exploring conceptual dystopian themes conveyed with everyday elements found at home and toys figurines used as props. The project was a product of my time at home during (Covid-19) quarantine, bound to my small apartment with my favorite pop culture action figures, with a desperate urge to tell larger-than-life stories visually.
I still feel I'm at the tip of the iceberg with the unparalleled possibilities to create with this genre. I'm only limited by my imagination which is quite an empowering thought. While other shoots keep happening, I'm determined to create whole set with my Toy story project and keep challenging myself with more storytelling images.
'Free Fall' ft. Joker
Concept : Joker falling down a sky scraper and yet showing no signs of fear or remorse! After all being a sociopath come with their own ups and downs.
BTS - For this image I wanted to show a realistic city scape, something that wouldn't be too distracting. Realistic sets make bigger problems I realized began by choosing my skyscraper needed a long grill that looked symmetrical and could pass light. Tada, found my rooms AC cover as the perfect candidate. I used it's filters and the other two surrounding buildings. Found a few more things like Keyboards, Bluetooth speakers, dumbbells as buildings. Then made a road map with rice lights. Added candle LED’s as building lights. Loved the way this shot came to life with practical effects!
Concept-  Batman the animated series has probably been the most influential cartoon series for me growing up. Hands down the best portrayal of Batman with such skilled voice artists like @kevinconroypage for Batman and the iconic depiction of Joker by Mark Hamill. The opening sequence is so wicked it didn't even need a slate for titles. I wanted to attempt to recreate the scene with things I had at home. Wanted to match perspectives and get it just right. If you haven't watched the series, please fix that, you’ll find yourself in love with the characters.
BTS- Once I got the perspective right, the shoot began frame by frame. The Cape wasn't long enough so had to photograph it separately which was a lengthy process. Each and every thunderbolt is shot separately with the help of light painting on long exposures. Matching colors was an easy process since I tried to get it right in camera itself with comparisons to reference. The only thing added in post is rain. Smoke was added with humidifier.
Batcave 2041
Concept- I'm fascinated how there have been so many iterations of the Batcave over ages. From the 'animated series' to 'Batman Beyond', the Batcave has seen itself evolve. I wanted to create my own version based on futuristic dystopian times. Here, I show a lot of tech being involved in the architecture as well.
BTS- There are a lot of hacks I used for this one. I used a mirror floor to give shiny finish to water I made. PC mother boards were used as one side of the ceiling, AC cover as the other. Since the figure was very small had to focus stack this image. The headlights and bats were added in post.
God is a Maker
Concept - It all started with a mask. Have been tinkering around the idea of being able to show massive scale through my images. For this setup my ever so patient sweet wife was able to help me out by posing for the image. I'm using the word 'patient' loosely cause this took a whole night to shoot.
BTS-  This image comprised of having a human (my wife) as well as an action figure (1:25th scale) to make show epic proportions of godlike scale. I used props like vintage Coffee machine, tailoring machine, 3d printed Robotic hands, old apple chipsets, M-19 PAPR respirators, 3d printer Filament, a speaker, pistons etc. to name a few. Used a smoke machine (for the first time), hair spray and also added some rays in post.
Time Portal Ft. Batman
Concept - The theme for this image was time travel, I wanted to show an ancient abandoned landscape, imagine Mad-max with sanskar (values). We see Batman, looking at himself in the past, entering the time portal. I have always been fascinated by time travel, this scene was inspired by the OG "Back to the Future" scene where Morty sees himself using the DeLorean as a time machine and disappearing.
BTS - The whole idea came about when I realized my photography ring lights could actually pull of looking like a time portal. I used a mist spray for the smoke and a bunch of other props. The whole idea came about when I realized my photography ring lights could actually pull of looking like a time portal. I used a mist spray for the smoke and a bunch of other props. Used bed sheets with flour on it to recreate a desert look. Used a lot of decorative props at home to give a ancient abandoned civilization look. Had to rack focus from 3 exposures to make one final image.
Cyberpunk - Thanos X Ironman 
Concept- I wanted to play around a concept with Reality and Time stone. I tried to recreate my rendition of a flooded cyberpunk 'esk future city, which is also a battlefield for Thanos and Ironman to even past scores.
BTS- I used a bunch of small gadgets with displays for this one especially because I wanted to show an excess of screens and advertisements. For this I used my old phones, NAS, flash transceivers, Drone remote, batteries, Ac/ TV remotes, my speakers that have LED’s, rice lights etc. To make the buildings I used my AC covers, PC cabinets, Aluminum foil for floor for genuine reflections etc.
Batcave 2030
Concept - 'Batcave 2030' is my rendition of what a Batcave would evolve into in the future. It's more of a workshop and utility garage rather than a fancy looking display piece for all the cool gadgets. I would imagine Bruce being a maker and spending his time here fixing and designing new gadgets here. I have started to enjoy set designing especially for familiar places from comic books and films. I feel an environment plays an equal role in a scene much like a character itself.
BTS - I covered a table with garbage bags to try and recreate a cave environment. I looked for tech scraps (treasure as I call it) for the props used. Found a Bike transmission gear (leftmost) Sat-nog (community built project: left and top) Oscilloscope screen (right) and broken 3d printer case, Saw blade, 3D printer filament etc. to come up with this on.
Self Aware 
Concept - Imagine an alternate timeline for the Terminator films where the humans actually manage to defeat Skynet. This was just a moment when all their present t800 models were being terminated. But one of the Endoskeletons turns around and stares into the eyes of John Conor. As though it were self aware. I wanted to show a big pit of molten metal or lava but couldn't find the appropriate vessel, until I looked into the fridge.
BTS- I had a Terminator Endoskeleton action figure with a broken leg. For this concept, I wanted to show a big pit of molten metal or lava but couldn't find the appropriate vessel, until I looked into the fridge. Made lava with Orange jelly and lit it from below with torches. Used some jewelry chains as props, my old PC cabinet again became a building in the backdrop. I had only one figure and wanted to show a bunch, so had to place them and shoot them separately. Used cooking masala as the melting metal on the liquid near the figure. Managed most of the smoke in camera this time but had to add some flames/sparks in post.
God Mode
Concept- For me, the Avengers series did a awesome job character development for Thanos, making him a unforgettable personality. However I wanted to dig a bit deeper into the comic book verse and try and explore the character in my own way. The indestructible Titan, one who relies heavily on his mystic powers, brute strength, proud to call himself the "most powerful being in the universe". The quality that makes him want to be known as the force that brings balance, perhaps a god himself. I tried to put into rendition what that might look like through a photograph.
BTS - I shot the  Thanos with a macro lens, a mist spray to create ambience and a DIY portal that I made within minutes. For macro setups constant light source are required and sturdy tripod. Shot the Ironman figure separately and also lit the eyes of Thanos a real laser for realistic visuals.
Mind Games
Concept- Bored at home during quarantine, I started photographing my old action figures with household objects to create cinematic scenes. Few images in, I knew Joker Vs the Bat had to eventually happen , arch nemesis in one image. This one had to be special. The tale that has been told a million times, I was exploring what can I bring to the table (literally) that is a unique perspective. .This was not an easy task, to literally recreate a shattered city scape on my dining table took a long time and conceptualization. I was assembling props and fine-tuning the concept to avoid errors.
BTS - I wanted to show a city which was torn and destroyed. This was more a bad dream of sorts for Batman so the visuals needed to reflect that. I used my old PC CPU's a graphics cards and ton of other things as some of the details of buildings. I wanted to show Joker as a larger than life character depicted in his dream, so had to photograph him separately and combine multiple exposures for one image. This took a whole night to nail with the smoke (hair spray + Steam iron + some in post). I tried to document a bit of my process this time with a BTS video, file attached.
Urban Landscape
Concept-  I have been working on this one for a while now, quite enjoying the process of creating these familiar landscapes with household objects. The shot wasn't character specific from a comic book, somehow the initial inspiration was the film Inception. I shot the same 'rig' with different camera positions to give variations.
BTS - I have been working on this one for a while now, quite enjoying the process of creating these familiar landscapes with household objects. This shot was photographed on One Plus 8 Pro phone. The shot wasn't character specific from a comic book, somehow the initial inspiration was the film Inception. I shot the same 'rig' with different camera positions to give variations. And to add depth added coconut leaves in the front.
Plasma City
Concept - A city from a time so far ahead in the future that we depend on an alternative source of energy to power the city. A time where even nuclear power isn't enough, this is a 'plasma energy' powered city. A city which sees a lot of dust storms similar to due to lack of vegetation around. The foreground we see a hybrid robot called Alex trying to fix his 'old school' automotive vehicle.
BTS - The city scape is made out household elements like motherboards, disassembled phones, spark plugs, AA batteries, Plasma ball, old film camera, kitchen utensils, graphic cards, led strip light, staplers and other such elements. Alex is resting on the foreground on a graphics card. The dust/ smoke effect is partially with mist sprays and a bit enhanced in post.
Creation of Chaos
Concept - For the season finale of Toy story series for this year I wanted to do something special. I took inspiration from Michael Angelo's 'Creation of Adam' and tried to recreate the scene with action figures and practical effects. Thanos being a comic book wannabe God himself fit perfectly to play that role and joker being the 'human'. The image is a homage to some of my favorite iconic villains of all time!
BTS - I used the original. painting as reference for smaller minute details. I used a cart, covered up with red cloth and then with black wires tied up the figures in position. Now I hung it with support of a tripod. Then I used moss to create a hill structure for Joker to lay on. Used a LED moon lamp to portray the moon and placed it between the hands. Used cotton clouds with light painting to create the smoke effect. The stars are actually pixel noise, no overlays used.
The Revolution
Concept - This image is photographed with action figures, scale models and tech scraps as a miniature set. Its my representation of the revolution around virtual currencies and the resistance. Our world is changing and people believe in decentralization of power more than ever before!
BTS - I shot this scene was set on a glass panel which was lit from below for the burning world look. Used 1/35 scale tanks models and action figures, used real soil and rocks with a some tiny chipsets for the foreground scene. Used stacks of motherboards to recreate the portal scene, shot with constant light (light painting).I reduced the size of the human action figure to bring him to scale of the scene.
The Brilliant Sociopath 
Concept-  You know who he is, you know what he does. The oldest and hands down the greatest villain of all time, The Joker. In this image: The Joker, helps Waylon Jones a.k.a Killer croc, escape the Arkham Asylum in the most glorious way, all while putting on a show!
 "In my dream the world had suffered a terrible disaster. A black haze shut out the sun, and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people. Suddenly a small light glowed, a candle flickered into life. Symbol of hope for millions. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. I laughed and blew it out." - Joker
BTS - These are 1/12 scale figures, this image was shot inside a baking oven. I used an AC filter for the floor, Cheese grater, old flash bulb, speaker as props on the back and sides. The backlight is a head- mount camping torch, I used a steaming iron for the haze. Stuck rice lights to the ceiling to recreate ambient light. The chattering teeth, I only had one for I shot it in different position throughout the scene and had to composite them in.
Adamantium Rage 
Concept - I always wanted to design a scene from a comic book cover, especially for one of my favorite characters, Wolverine "After an hour long battle, a tired Wolverine finds himself cornered and outnumbered. He takes a second to pause and look around to analyze his enemies, for one last burst of Adamantium rage!" I have a few spare hours in a day now, so decided to put them to use. I got my trusty @sideshowcollectibles Wolverine #actionfigure to be the protagonist this time. I came up with a concept and accordingly set a pose for him, chose a camera angle and lens.
BTS - Once this is done, I try to fill the frame with some interesting objects and design a set. I came up with a concept and accordingly set a pose for him, chose a camera angle and lens. Once this is done, I try to fill the frame with some interesting objects and design a set. I got together all weird looking/ futuristic stuff from the kitchen and around the house to design a set. This includes, my drone, my 360 camera, utensils like putt maker, random decor from living room. Remember, lighting is key. I used Aloe vera gel to apply on the figure's hands to give them an authentic slimy look. Used hair spray for the haze/ drizzle effect and had a spare laser I had bought long ago. Once all this is setup, the easiest part is to actually click the picture.
The Explorer Dave
Concept - The Explorer. How would it be like in a few years when we actually get to figure space travel and explore potential worlds where life could exist? I would imagine just like Interstellar we would have some assistance with AI Robots like TARS. This time I went with HAL 9000 (if you guys don't know, please please watch "2001: A Space Odyssey"). You know what goes down if you watch it.
BTS - The landscape is made with spray painted Aluminum foil which is hoisted on a glass floor. I used an LED light source with orange filter to create the Lava effect. Blue sand and plants with the help of my aquarium décor. The robots are made up of Joby Gorrilapods (3k + mobile rig) with Beamo lights and mobile phone.
Rare Specimen, T800 Endoskeleton 
Concept - Terminator : Judgement day was probably the most impactful action film growing up for me. The concepts of artificial intelligence and time travel have always fascinated me. Through this images I wanted to show a futuristic top secret underground environment where they would preserve specimens of scientific significance. The concepts of artificial intelligence and time travel have always fascinated me. Through this images I wanted to show a futuristic top secret underground environment where they would preserve specimens of scientific significance.
BTS - Scouted for household objects like a fruit mixer for the capsule, my old drone batteries as security systems, a iron net as the floor etc. We placed a spare motherboard for the backdrop to add that extra details (after we shot the BTS image). We had a green laser with which we lit the capsule. Here i shot the T800 1:12 scale endoskeleton figure. 
Checkout more from this project on my Instagram
Toy Story Photo Series | DIY Scale Model Photography


Toy Story Photo Series | DIY Scale Model Photography

'Toy Story' is a one-of-a-kind photo collectible series exploring conceptual dystopian themes conveyed with everyday elements found at home and t Read More
