VIII - Luminic instalation

VIII - Luminic instalation for Marès Museum in Barcelona

For some years now, this museum has been hosting under its porch a large traditional "pessebre" (nativity scene) made by the Association of Pessebristes de Barcelona, with the aim of maintaining the tradition of making a nativity scene open to the public in the city of Barcelona.

So far the rest of the courtyard had always been unused, and they decided to complement this project to increase its public and take advantage of all the outdoor space of the facility. Therefore, it was proposed to Elisava's students to create a lighting installation that could complement this "pessebre".



For the assembly and conceptualization of the project we made a model with integrated lights and a prototype of a column with the final material. These projections helped us to better understand the dimensions with which we were working and to define the ideas that were appearing during the group formalization sessions.

Final project

The theme of the final project is based on Roman Barcelona, such as the "pessebre" of the Marès museum. This installation has as its main reference the temple of Vesta (Roman goddess of fire), which consisted of a large dome with a fire inside, permanently lit and maintained by the priestesses of Vesta. These priestesses were executed if the fire went out, so they were the most responsible for its care.

Thus, the light installation is inspired by this context, but with a contemporary representation, which consists of a set of large columns distributed in a circular shape around a conceptual fire, which takes center stage as the centerpiece. In parallel, the perpetuity of Vesta's fire is reflected in the Christmas tradition, and in the need to continue with the tradition to avoid its extinction. This interaction is possible thanks to sensors distributed throughout the patio that modify the intensity of the light projected on the conceptual fire.

The aim of this installation is to play with light and how it is reflected on the columns with a special transparency, thanks to the material of the metal mesh, creating a game of projections, shadows and unique illuminations, both with sunlight and artificial light points. This installation manages to create a sense of integrity and immersion to its viewers.

Project report

This report compiled all the work done during the development of the project. In this delivery we can find sketches of the first formalizations of the project, all the development of models and prototypes of each and every one of the pieces of the installation and the final photos. This was one more element that helped us to communicate our project during the final presentation, in front of the teachers and clients.

Thanks for watching!

VIII - Luminic instalation

VIII - Luminic instalation

For some years now, this museum has been hosting under its porch a large traditional "pessebre" (nativity scene) made by the Association of Pesse Read More
