Cleaning Brushes


Cleaning Brushes

The Everneat cleaning utensil family achieves a balance between sustainability, high-quality materials, reuse of parts, and good design. The aluminum extrusion handle is the same for all utensils, saving thousands of dollars in molds. The recycled plastic heads are tailored to the function of each tool and support natural fiber brushes with wooden bases. When the brushes wear out from use, they can be quickly replaced with new ones. Thanks to the natural fiber and wood, disposable parts can be recycled or biodegraded.The analog screw system used to attach the plastic heads to the wooden brushes allows for easy interchangeability without hidden or complex mechanisms to manufacture.In the final stage of the product cycle, all materials can be separated - aluminum, plastic, and wooden heads - resulting in a noble, durable product that respects the environment from beginning to end.
SICH™ design studio
Cleaning Brushes

Cleaning Brushes

The Everneat cleaning utensil family achieves a balance between sustainability, high-quality materials, reuse of parts, and good design. The alum Read More
