To reinforce the visual brand and create the user's experience with simplicity and transparency.
The most important criteria for consumers based on research, focus groups and testing were:
1. Log-In information not required to browse.
2. Show "consumer's" the price/meals upon entering the site. 
3. Simple Navigation of Product Categories and Image.
4. Interaction with the App must be easy and fluid. No drop downs and minimal screen jumping.
Conducted online research with a targeted audience.
1. People who are actively dieting.
2. People who want to diet.
3. People who do not want to diet.
1. Age
2. Weight
3. Amount of weight projected to lose, already lost
4. Income
1. Attrition/ Start the diet successfully, 2-3 weeks drop-off. (no re-order)
2. Lack of Progress
3. Incentive (staying on diet) Rewards
4. Complicated
5. Multiple Diet Plans (Fads)
6. Expensive
7. Taste
Reinforce Message and Brand on Opening Screen.
Easy "Tap" to next screen.
Large/easy to read, dedicated page with meal plan prices/options. (one tap selection)
Swipe left or right to browse food option within the selected category.
Large realistic depictions of product.
No multiple screen drop downs.
Nutritional Information on "Hover State" no new navigation required.
Log-In screen (After) selection of Meal Plan Option Only.
Qucik/One Page navigation of "Rewards" option.
Limited Budget/Presence on Mobile
Create a presence on Mobile.
1. Reinforcing the nomenclature
2. Simple Visuals for categories (product)
Lips, Hair, Nails, Eyes
3. When "tapped", transitions to screen, listing product/lines carried and offer.
1. Drive consumers to the website.
2. Awareness
3. Secondary Product Awareness
4. Social Media Quick Share
5. Visually dynamic that has two purposes.
a. Category Allocation
b. Visual Solution to reinforce Brand.
UX/UI Design

UX/UI Design

Mobile Apps in Progress. Updated every two weeks. Estimated completion, December 2013.
