
Created for Launch Academy's FullStack Development for Websites bootcamp, The5Questiontrip is a website that is designed to help users access or create personal travel itineraries via Q & A sessions on a Google Maps interface.

My Role
Full Stack Developer - Designing User Interactions, Developing Servers and Databases, Testing & Bug fixes.

Nov 2014 - Jan 2015.

Programmed with
Ruby on Rails, PLSQL, Foundation.

As someone who enjoys travel, I wanted to create a fun and interactive website where users could create itineraries. A Q & A session seemed like a good way to be able to achieve this.

The Rules of the Game
An itinerary to be unlocked in a location of choice in presented in the form of a hunt.
A location has many hunts. Each hunt that can be played has 5 questions.
A user has to answer all five questions to complete the hunt and obtain an itinerary.
A user has to answer the questions in ascending numerical order to complete the hunt.
A user can leave a hunt at any point during a session and return to continue the hunt.
A user can play a hunt only once in a session. User has to sign out and login to replay a hunt.
A user can use clues(infobox on the question page) for help.

The Interface - Google Maps​​​​​​​
I used Google Maps API's capabilities of Geolocation to give the user an opportunity to use pins on the map or straight up answers to identify locations on the itinerary
Third party tools
Google Maps Javascript API for integration of the map.
Geocoder gem for geolocation. The app uses the gem to store locations in the database for persistence of data.
Sessions for keeping track of user sessions in the database.
D3.js for data visualization.
Devise for user management.
Omniauth for user authentication.
Imagemagick and Minimagick for image manipulation.
Carrier Wave and Amazon's AWS S3 service for file uploads.



Creative Fields