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Homeless Landscape Photography in Winter, Pt. I

A Few Days of Homeless Landscape Photography in Winter, Pt. I
During the recent weeks, I went for a few little travels for the purpose of photography while staying in my car, winter and cold temperatures or not. It usually works fine for just a few days until it is time to get a break, and warm up again. Staying outside for most of the day and spending the nights in the car could be cold after a while. Fortunately, I actually don’t mind these cold nights. I realized that they seem to put me at ease somehow, letting me feel at rest instead of lonely. It seems to be the only possibility to feel a similar rest to the one by sleeping at someone’s side years ago.

Right now, we live in times where it is likely that governments and society not only fighting the serious threat of a virus, but also determine how future life in society will be like. Freedom seems to be at stake. The more regulations and laws they will create, the more safety there might be. But furthermore, less individuality, and freedom. I’m alarmed that the majority seems to be eagerly willing to exchange freedom with the benefit of protection while different forces may at work trying to establish their own imaginations, often led by moral notions, and personal visions. They reason why I’m writing this is, amongst other things, that governments are trying to keep folks generally at home, no matter if they will be on their own, or actually meet someone. Restrictions of freedom always have to be reasonable, and minmized.

Anyway, I remember well these days and nights. There was a snowstorm happening one night, and heavy snowfalls the next day as well. Matter of fact, it was soothing to see that there are still natural forces at work putting everything to an halt. Showing that mankind still can’t control everything. I enjoyed that, as I fought against strong winds, and coldness.

As of today, I’m in worry that I won’t get along too well any longer with governments, and society. But for that very reason, I enjoyed the beauty of nature a lot, even that it hurts to likely lose it.


- Pt. I  | Pt. II  | Pt. III | Pt. IV | Pt. V -
__________ I. Sunrise __________
__________ II. Whiteout __________
__________ III. Powder __________
__________ IV. Snowfalls __________
__________ V. Dawn & Dusk __________
Homeless Landscape Photography in Winter, Pt. I

Homeless Landscape Photography in Winter, Pt. I
