Monster Project
The monster project was for students to pick a creature and design it from sketch to digital. My project was sketched, cleaned up in Youdoodle pro, then finished in adobe illustrator. This mech design was commissioned for rapper 916Frosty with his music and style in mind. 
916Fox-mech is a frost powered battle suit designed by TsunamiTech for a fox to use through a neuro link. This allows the user who is an artic fox named Johnny to operate the mech as if it were the users body. Model 916 comes equipped with frost powered boosters enabling quick movement and propulsion. The mech suit is made of military grade titanium but not built to take hits where it lacks armor plating. The mech relies on speed, mobility, and precision to attack much larger targets. The ears are key to this mech, they allow full environmental awareness. The weaponry equipped consists of the nearly indestructible tail, 4 sets of razor sharp claws, frost energy cannons on the shoulders, and finally a hydraulic jaw full of sharp teeth. The legs have springs built in made to withstand extreme pressure and force as they are used to jump and attack. Johnny uses these advantages in his strategy, he is usually underestimated and looked down upon. He uses his skills in combat to prove his worth and to strengthen his reputation. 
Monster Project

Monster Project
