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ways to improve writing skills

Ways to Improve your Writing Skills
Everyone writes. If you are a writer, then even more. I’m a writer too and like to keep improving the quality of my writings. Now, you can’t transform into Wordsworth overnight, but you can take baby steps. Baby steps still count. Here are many things you can keep in mind while writing. Like the shampoo bottle says, “The user shouldn’t expect overnight results. Consistency and patience are essential to get visible results.”
Be clear about your purpose
Every piece of writing has a purpose. Every time you sit down to write, ask yourself what it is you want to convey. Once you get that sorted, start with the next step.
Organise your ideas
When we set the goal, it’s only natural to jot it down, just like that. Well, jot it down not on your draft but maybe in a cute little notebook. Organise it in the most sensible order, and then unleash your creativity.
Go with the flow
Now that you have unleashed the monster, there’s no stopping you, and you shouldn’t stop either. Get everything down before it decides to run. Artists are messy, and writing is an art. You’ll have time to clean up later. 
It’s okay, take a break
We are humans; we may not always have the ‘flow’. When you reach there, don’t push yourself. Take a break, maybe chat with the pigeons, and approach your art with new ideas.
Don’t forget to clean-up
All the killing moves by your monster, it is natural to have made errors. Pause after the basic spelling and grammar check. Go back to the pigeons and move on from your beloved creative monster. Once done, you are good to go and edit your writing with a new pair of eyes. Now, you won’t feel bad about crossing out that unworthy phrase you liked the most before.
Write Every Day
If you want to improve your writing skills, you have to practice writing everyday to become a good writer. You can write on any topic from clothing tips to traveling tips. It helps you to gain more experience while writing.This can help you to build up your writer portfolio. You can also write social media posts. 
Choose Simple Words
You have to keep your content simple for the reader. Some people say that they will sound smarter if they use complex words, but it is a myth. You do not have to write a blog post like your assignment for college. Try to avoid big fancy words and use simple but interesting words while writing. Try to write as you are talking. 
Keep Sentences and Paragraphs Short
The most important thing you must consider while writing is to make paragraphs short. It helps the reader to read the content with more interest. They will not get bored while reading your article. 
Last but not least, try to insert images of the related content. Now, I’m no superhero with extraordinary writing skills. But I can certainly say that these can help. It still helps me.
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ways to improve writing skills

ways to improve writing skills


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