Daniel J Mannix's profile

Types of Cancer Research

The recipient of a BA in history from Emory University, Daniel J Mannix is a Salt Lake City, Utah-based resident with several decades of experience as an executive and lacrosse coach. Daniel J Mannix has served as the vice president and chief operating officer of Kemp & Associates since 1986, and he has generously donated to the Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah, which focuses on cancer prevention and treatment.

Many cancers are caused by age, poor lifestyle choices, and exposure to hazardous environmental elements such as chemicals or ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Changes that contribute to cancer are sometimes inherited from parents, and other times they occur by accident. Cancer research involves the study of why these changes occur and how they occur, as well as how to detect them earlier, treat them more effectively, and prevent them from occurring. People either with or without cancer who willingly want to donate samples or participate in research projects that will help identify new and better methods to treat the disease are vital to cancer research.

Primarily, there are four categories of cancer research. These are:

Basic Research: Conducted in the laboratory, basic research is done by scientists when they plan to study how healthy cells operate and what makes cancer cells different from healthy counterparts.

Clinical Research: In a clinic or hospital, clinical research examines drugs, medical procedures, and medical equipment. In clinical research, people volunteer to participate in order to assist in improving therapies and patient care.

Population Research: Cancer causes are studied in population studies based on environment and lifestyle choices. In population research, scientists look for cancer trends and how cancer screening and care are delivered to population groups.

Translational Research: The phrase "translational research" refers to the process of applying what has been discovered from basic and clinical research to novel therapies. Also, translational research is conducted when fresh ideas from the population and clinical research are used to test new concepts in the laboratory.
Types of Cancer Research

Types of Cancer Research


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