Advantages of Sinus Lift Procedures for Dental Implant
Fortunately, with the emerging dental treatments and good preventive dental care, more people are able to keep their natural teeth for their entire lives. With the onset of severe gum disease (periodontitis) many people lose their original teeth and it is the number one cause of adult tooth loss. For people who have suffered permanent tooth loss, there is no need for embarrassment because dental implants are available to lift your life socially, emotionally, and physically.

With innovation in tooth replacement, dental implants are considered the best of all tooth replacements in the world. With dental implants, you can eat all your favorite foods and also smile with confidence without fear of slipping dentures.

People who do not have enough bone in their upper jaw need not lose hope as they can still receive dental implants for their missing teeth. If you do not have enough bone in your upper jaw, then you might be eligible for a sinus lift. A sinus lift is a procedure to fix the problem so that you can receive the dental implants you need. As an innovative procedure, a sinus lift adds additional bone to a person’s upper jaw. The bone you receive during a sinus lift will be added to the jaw and sinuses. The procedure of sinus lift allows the person’s jaw to grow new bone, providing a strong base for dental implants Exton PA.

Despite the fact that this procedure of sinus life might seem complicated, it is a routine dental procedure that can dramatically change your smile. The procedure of sinus lift is performed as the dentist lifts the sinus membrane in order to make room for the additional bone. Sinus lifts are required by patients who do not have enough bone in the upper jaw. It is possible that the patient is missing bone in the jaw for many different reasons, such as trauma or gum disease.

There are immense benefits of sinus lifts and the most important one is creating a strong enough jaw to handle a dental implant. The sinus lift procedure is a safe and up-front procedure. With a sinus lift patients are able to enjoy all the benefits of natural, strong, and beautiful teeth – even if they are missing or failing jawbones. Your periodontist and his team will walk you through every step to give you the smile you’ve always wanted.
The team at Dr. Sam Khoury’s clinic assures that the quality and quantity of the bone are perfectly assessed by the dentist before he considers a patient for implant placement. You can trust the skill and experience of your dentist Dr. Sam Khoury at the Dental Implant and Periodontal Surgeons clinic.
Dr. Sam Khoury

Dr. Sam Khoury


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