Mathis VAN HECKE's profile

02 - Océan, une plongée insolite

Océan, une plongée insolite 

For this project, I wanted to make fictitious posters for the 2020 exhibition "Océan, une plongée insolite" (Ocean an unusual dive), on the themes of sea animals and the seabed at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris.

So I created a series of 4 posters on 4 very special marine animals. These posters present these animals and explain that they can be discovered by visiting the exhibition.​​​ 
I then made illustrations to better highlight these creatures.​​​​
The Macropinna Microstoma: it is a fish whose head is transparent.
The Turritopsis Nutricula: it is an immortal jellyfish that can return to infinity in the juvenile stage.
The Vampyroteuthis Infernalis: this squid is nicknamed the vampire of the abyss for its particular appearance.
The Mertensia Ovum : an organism close to jellyfish that emits light and shines in all colors.​​​​​​​
02 - Océan, une plongée insolite

02 - Océan, une plongée insolite

Posters for the exhibition "Océan, une plongée insolite" for the National Museum of Natural History in Paris.
