3D Art - Personal Project
Atmospheric Landscape
For 3D class we were assigned to start our own personal project in which we show in what field we want to get better in, for e.g. modelling, sculpting, proportions, color, or light. My project was mainly focused on the latter, which was light. So I chose for the idea to create some sort of atmospheric landscape.
After opening Blender, I got rid of the cube and the light that was already placed in the project. I replaced the mesh with a landscape add-on from inside Blender by turning on the add-on. I didn't know the add-on existed until I used and I had quite a lot of fun messing around with it. After some experiments, I decided to go with the middle design for my landscape.
After doing that, I decided to play around and experiment with the camera view, including the vocal point to get a wider view. I wasn't sure of how to place my landscape, so I was only eye-balling things at this point. Now we're getting to the interesting part.
I went to try out Blender's new sky effect feature. This was a feature you can find in the materials section. When you go to colors, you have a list of all kinds of materials, including the sky effect. After putting the sky, I placed a cube around my landscape in order to create this foggy/misty effect in my landscape. I messed around with the "Principled Volume" from the shaders to get the right amount of mist that I wanted.
This is essentially what it looks like after doing some modifications on the sky. I messed around with some colors until I get this dark look (the right screenshot was an older one). I actually had a lot of fun messing around with the light and colors. It was a bit hard to tell what changed when you play around with Air, Dust, and Ozone. But I managed to work through that.
There was another add-on of which I wasn't quite aware of which was the BlenderKit Asset. And the BlenderKit is an add-on of where they keep all sorts of pre-modeled assets. You can search for models, textures, brushes, etc. So taking advantage of the BlenderKit, I searched for "craft" and chose this super cool spaceship for my landscape. And down below is the final result!
(I wanted to make more light variations, but my laptop didn't render them quite well)
Atmos Spaceship

Atmos Spaceship


Creative Fields