Project Datavisualisatie - Cake Day

Team 11: Charanda, Laura, Tymon, Tigran, Alex
This period we were assigned the Data Visualisation. This stands for, collecting data from some platform or in your environment and visualising that data into something other than simple graphs and diagrams.
We started out making S.W.O.T.'s with out teams, and show our strengths and weaknesses using a website that shows what kind of team player you are.
We were also supposed to make small business cards to show our own skills and how we work. the next pictures will show the S.W.O.T. and the business cards.
Business cards:
As you can tell, all we had to do with the business cards was follow the instructions based on our own personal preferences.
After we discussed all of this and shown each other what our answers were, we could start out with looking up inspiration or idea's
We were brainstorming idea's for out project. these were the first things that came to mind:
- Amount of times a specific animal species has been searched on google. (e.g. cheetah      with spots that are big and small to visualize different amounts; hummingbird; frogs and      toads) 
- Jumping frogs/toads (make the graph height based). 
  Frogs jump on branch of tree linked to the amount; separate tree each seasons (4 trees    according to all seasons. Hover over frog or toad to see the numbers). 
  Target audience: young children 
  Changed from google searches to real studies about jump height per frog species 
- Use an existing poll on Reddit and visualize it according to the theme. 

In the end we were hanging on the frog idea for to long, we weren't making progress with the frog idea at all and we were just stuck in general. Though we were still on track, we didn't think we'd go far with that idea so we ended up thinking of something we were much more proud of!
The idea: 
Birthdays; how many people have their birthday on the same day (visualize it with a cake and the number of candles indicate the amount?) 

We made forms to hand out in classrooms so people could write down their birthdays (only the day and year). Some of us also walked around the school.

Design proposals by Tigran & Laura
To have an idea of how we wanted to visualize the data we had, we made a few sketches of designs.


These were our moodboard and styleboard (made by Laura) and as you can see we like to have a happy pastel color scheme and some low poly designs!


Paper prototype by Laura

Next up we were all working on our own tasks like:
3D modeling (prototypes), 2D design sketching, coding (devs), choosing the color pallete etc.
Tigran's work:

Charanda's work:
Cake designs

Numbers of the months for on the cakes
Years for on the cakes

Laura's work:
Table design

Room design

Spawn room design

Modeling in Blender

We chose to work without textures first and only use base colours, because we were a bit behind schedule at this moment and wanted to have the basics finished first.

Prototypes by Tymon and Alex
Our developers put together a first prototype, to get a general idea of the game and how it's supposed to look.
they used our models and ideas. 
As you can tell this is a protoype of our game, very simple, very easy. but this is just to test out if our game + models work.

The second prototype was a bit more detailed, just to see if some models worked and were the right size. 
Everything we made in Blender, we exported as OBJ files. We soon realized that option made all separate models in that file one big object. 
Laura came with the idea to export following files as FBX to see if the problem would then be solved.

The third prototype

Final product process
Because we had to work fast, the number models Charanda made weren’t going to be in the project as Tymon found it quicker to work with text in Unity.
Meanwhile, Alex animated the candle flames and clipboards.

Final product

With this project, we (the artists) challenged ourselves and worked in Blender instead of illustrating it. We wanted to step out of our comfort zone and do something else than what we did for our last project, which was an arcade game. 
We all had very good communication and teamwork and everyone in our group worked hard to get to the final result, even if it is not as detailed as we first designed it to be. We also made a few changes.
The only thing we can do better next time is to write down carefully all the feedback we give each other. We did give each other feedback every time, but forgot to write it down in the process. Other than that, we are happy with the result and what we have learned throughout this period.

Thank you for watching!
Project Datavisualisatie - Cake Day

Project Datavisualisatie - Cake Day

Datavisualization of birthdays of people at SintLucas Eindhoven, made as a schoolproject by development and game art students.
