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Parkify - Parking Booking App Case Sudy

Sylvia Macharia


Parking App that helps find parking slots hassle- free.


The Problem
With Employees transitioning back to work either full time or hybrid after a year long stay at home, the hassle of trying to get parking after beating an hour worth of traffic is definitely not something people will look forward to when resuming to work. There are applications to cater for parking slot bookings, but when it comes to organizations, they require an application that is tailor made to suit the needs of their employees with the uniqueness to the structure and culture of the organization.

The Solution
Design a user- friendly application for booking parking slots within the office premises in the designated parking spots. Parkify allows users to search suitable parking space faster. The application is designed keeping the users pain points in mind. It offers a simple and practical design and user interface. The key features in the application makes it different from others, as its designed to meet the users needs.


My target Audience were employees in an organization who own a vehicle. My research started primarily to understand user's point of view and their pain points, their frustrations and pain points so I can solve their problems through my products.
The first step in my process wat to define the 5 W questions.

A Parking slot booking app enabling employees to book, cancel and view availability of parking spots within the office premises.
Users getting back to work offices full time or those working in hybrid environment.
Users are able to use the application whenever they are planning to go to the office for work.
Users can use the application wherever they are, to make a booking. That's what makes the application amazing
Ensure that employees secure a parking slot. Saves time looking for a spot.​​​​​​​


User Personas help to depict different scenarios and to understand pain points and goals from a users point of view . I created user stories and personas to better understand the users needs and goals.

Through the empathize process I was able to figure out the essential features the application would need to make it successful. 

I list some elements that have to be on the page and iterate with  pen and paper before going to the digital wireframe.
low-fidelity wireframe: done with paper and pen
I then moved to mid-fidelity using Figma using the above sketches as reference points, the ideating process still continues to make sure the idea is translated well to the digital medium.

App Flow
App flow through digital wireframes.

Style Guide
Before creating the high fidelity pages, I created a stylesheet to guide me so the designs look consistent and cohesive.
Icon set
Color Palate

A High fidelity prototypes  was then built, and another usability study conducted to test if the refined designs were close enough to fix the problems.​​​​​​​
Prototype and Mockups
The iteration process doesn't end here, I keep refining the designs to make them as easy to use as possible.

The case study ends here, but not the design, the next steps would be to conduct another study to validate the the pain points of the users have been addressed. 
Parkify - Parking Booking App Case Sudy

Parkify - Parking Booking App Case Sudy


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