Lora Radkova's profile

Polish Institute Sofia

100 years
since the restoration of Poland's independence

The task was to tell a story - the 100-year history of a country - in a pleasant and accessible way by introducing the main historical events to the public. The project aimed to mark the anniversary of the restoration of Poland's independence and it was the final part of a number of cultural events related to the topic.

70 years
of the Polish Institute in Bulgaria

The task was to tell a long-standing story in the same stylistics as the previous project. This time about Bulgarian-Polish cultural relations and the establishment of the Polish Institute in Sofia. The project was again the final part of various cultural events related to the topic.

Creative concept & Art direction: LORA RADKOVA
Motion Graphics: IVO SPASSOV
Sound Design: PETAR PETROV

Polish Institute Sofia

Polish Institute Sofia


Creative Fields