Social Projet 
Design an inspiring communication concept to activate people to take a stance for the binding popular initiative.
"Binding People’s Initiative, a popular initiative is a tool which allows people to gather signatures from fellow citizens in order to address a certain issue. If an initiative gathers more than a certain amount of verified signatures of citizens in a strictly defined period of time the initiative will oblige the government to conduct a binding public vote. Usually the government has the possibility to put a counterproposal up for vote.  
While most indirect democracies offer the possibility to start and submit a popular initiative - be it on communal, regional or federal level - the outcome has no binding effect. This means that, no matter how overwhelming the result, the governing body only needs to acknowledge the initiative. And even a resulting popular vote would be merely consultative - meaning not binding."
In order to make people heard and therefore strengthen democracy the initiators want to build up reach, raise awareness and activate people to take a stance for the binding people’s initiative first in Austria and then in Europe. This lays the groundwork to develop enough power and pressure to convince the new Austrian government (and later the European Commission) to hold a referendum on the introduction of the binding people’s initiative.
We take the word "interaction" as our key word for this campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to call for a closer participation of the people in political processes and decision making. We thought about a campaign that involves the public through direct interaction with it.
To create the graphic image we were inspired by the phrase: "The people could actually participate in the political process with a feeling of being heard directly". Looking for a modern, interactive and dynamic graphic solution, in which one of the visual elements are the same people who observe it. For the outdoor poster we devised a system in which the faces of the people can be reflected in the poster, thus allowing to complete the message of the campaign with their faces.
Concept and Graphic Design
by Salomé Fuenmayor​​​​​​​

Power to the People


Power to the People
