Peter Voth's profile

The Cross Playing Cards

Graphic Design

The Cross Playing Cards
Peter Voth x Riffle Shuffle Playing Card Co.

I worked on this project for over a year (starting in the beginning of 2021). It’s a true passion project and it really embodies a lot I stand for. The grasping for (and to be grasped by) Jesus Christ and his Gospel. Heroes of the faith who laid down their lives for that very Gospel. Church History. Beautiful and detailed packaging design. Historic engraving style illustrations and architecture. Bible Design.

It is indeed the amalgamation of my credo »to aim for the Good, the True and the Beautiful« and the current status of all I have to offer creatively. It is also the preview of what is to come, God willing. Together with Riffle Shuffle Playing Card Co. we have left no stone unturned to achieve the maximum in beauty and excellence. It is my very first (of many) full custom playing card decks.

The Cross Playing Cards (Kickstarter Trailer)
The Cross Playing Cards

The Cross Playing Cards
