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Illustration for Canoe & Kayak Magazine

Canoe & Kayak Magazine Photo Editor Aaron Schmidt commissioned me to illustrate an article written by Todd Wells, for May 2014 issue.
This was a fun project with cool challenges like painting the night time and the water.
The final Illustration.
Detail of the white water.
Close up on the sneaky kayakers!
The illustration as it was used in the magazine.
I started with a couple sketchs in the computer, which i sent to the photo editor, so he could give his opinion.
Rough digital sketch.
After the sketch was approoved, i printed it, and drew the final version, using a light table to the early stages of the pencils.
Final pencils, on a A3 sheet of paper.
I inked it using a brush, andi scanned it.
Colors were added in the computer, with a wacom tablet.
Inking the foreground.
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Illustration for Canoe & Kayak Magazine


Illustration for Canoe & Kayak Magazine

Illustration for an article by Todd Wells, for Canoe & Kayak Magazine. Commissioned by Canoe&Kayak Photo Editor Aaron Schmidt.
