Theragun Mini - By Therabody

We're excited to finally share the last project in support of Therabody's fall product launch: the 2nd-generation Theragun Mini. This animation completes the trifecta of world-class product animations DNGR was approached to complete, all in under 12 weeks; that's 4 weeks per production, from concept to completion. Time is rarely on our side, and this was no exception, but we managed to produce something that set a new bar for both the studio and client. This is the last of those three features: introducing the smaller, lighter Theragun Mini— recover anywhere.



Creative Director - Animation, Lighting Design, CMF:
Sloan Anderson | @sloan.elliot

Environmental Design, Lighting Design:
Nicolás Robertson | 

Dynamics, VFX:
Arman Beshkooh | 
Spektral Studio | @spektralstudio

Sound Design:
Luca Poletto | @polezsky

Editing, Cutdowns:
Tyson Kroening

Motion Graphics:
Darui Wu
Theragun Mini - By Therabody