C a r l o t t a   B i s t r ó 

Services: Branding & Architectural Photography
Year: 2021
Copyright // Rd Studio

Carlotta was a tapas and cocktails gastrobar with an Art Deco and an industrial NYC style aesthetic. A luxurious and colorful space that offered an experience with a lot of personality.

We designed a visual identity that was based on the character of “Carlotta” a refined and fun woman that was the hostess of this unique experience that hinted old money and class.

This project was developed in november of 2021 with Rd Studio’s team, alongside Daniela Lopez & Ginneth León.

Carlotta | Branding

Carlotta | Branding

Branding / Architectural Photography / Product Photography While working in Rd Studio, we developed the visual identity of the restaurant "Carlo Read More
