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Is Email Marketing Worth it in 2022?

Hugues Joublin: Is Email Marketing Worth it in 2022?
Whether or not email marketing will still be a valuable tool in 2022 is anyone’s guess, but as of right now, it’s still one of the most effective methods to reach your target audience.

Although social media platforms are constantly changing and evolving, email lists remain relatively stable, which means that your messages have a good chance of being seen by the people who matter most. If you’re looking to reach as many customers as possible, then email marketing is definitely worth considering. Here is what Hugues Joublin of Joublin Consulting has to say about whether email marketing is worth it in 2022 or not.

Hugues Joublin Explains How the Dynamics of Email Marketing Are Changing in 2022

With the ever-changing landscape of email marketing, it’s hard to keep up with the latest trends and strategies.

One of the biggest changes that is happening in email marketing is the way that people are interacting with email. In the past, people would generally open an email and then either read it or delete it. However, now people are much more likely to engage with an email by clicking on a link or opening an attachment. Continued.
Is Email Marketing Worth it in 2022?

Is Email Marketing Worth it in 2022?


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