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Hugues Joublin’s 4 Rules for Brand Reputation

Hugues Joublin’s 4 Rules for Brand Reputation
Growing times, having a bad reputation is enough to shut your business down. Public relations used to be a concern for big companies but with rising e-commerce having a good brand image is just as crucial for a startup business as it is for a giant firm. Hugues Joublin of Salience Communication that your customers build your brand image. The broader the range of your products, the more customers you will attract. The more customers, the more reviews and the better the brand reputation.

Ensuring good client feedback is crucial to building a reputed brand image. Brand reputation can quickly fluctuate, but being consistent and avoiding negative publicity can manage your brand reputation. Here are 4 rules to keep a positive brand reputation.

1. Visual identity
The visual identity is what makes a company unique. Hugues Joublin believes that the first thing people notice when they open your website is how appealing it looks. Your logo, colors, font, and pictures come under visual identity. Read more.
Hugues Joublin’s 4 Rules for Brand Reputation

Hugues Joublin’s 4 Rules for Brand Reputation


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