Al Maher's Second Collaboration with El Seed:

 A Journey of Calligraffiti in Guabes Al Maher, 

     The talented artist and muralist, embarked on a new journey in his career with his second collaboration with the world-renowned calligraphy artist, El Seed. The two artists teamed up once again to create a powerful calligraffiti project in Guabes, the birthplace of El Seed.

   This time, they were joined by the talented artist Va-Jo, and together they took on the challenge of painting the highest minaret in Tunisia, the Minaret of Jara Mosque. The project was a true test of the artists' skills and endurance, as it took a total of 35 days to complete. But despite the challenges, the artists were driven by a passion for creating something truly special. 

  The project was conducted during the holy month of Ramadan, adding an extra layer of spiritual significance to the work. The result was a breathtaking masterpiece that spoke volumes about the power of art and the beauty of calligraphy. 
The message written on the wall was amazing, and it touched the hearts of the people of Guabes. 

The project was a true celebration of the creative spirit, and it brought people together to share in the beauty of the art. The collaboration between Al Maher, El Seed, and Va-Jo was a testament to the power of partnership and collaboration. 
The three artists brought their unique styles and visions together to create something truly special, and their combined efforts resulted in a masterpiece that will inspire generations to come. 

     In conclusion, Al Maher's second collaboration with El Seed in Guabes was a journey of artistic expression and cultural significance. The project was a true celebration of the beauty of calligraphy, and it left a lasting impact on the people of Guabes and the art world as a whole.


