Ayna Gadzhieva's profile

Brand Identity I WALKNTALK

WALKNTALK is a modern and vibrant brand of clothing from Uzbekistan that specializes mostly in cotton clothing for both women and men. They offer custom clothing options and focus on creating comfortable and stylish pieces. Their clothing is made with high-quality materials and is designed to be both functional and fashionable. With a commitment to sustainability and ethical production practices, Walkntalk is a brand that is dedicated to creating clothing that is both beautiful and responsible.

Все фотографии и материалы, использованные в проекте, принадлежат правообладателям.
Информативный контент используется только для демонстрации концепции и для некоммерческого использования.
All photos and materials used in the project belong to the owners. 
The informative content is used only to demonstrate the concept and for non-commercial use.

Спасибо за просмотр! / Thanks for watching!
Контакты для связи/Contacts: 
Mail: aynagadzzhieva@gmail.com
Telegram: @gadzzhieva

Brand Identity I WALKNTALK


Brand Identity I WALKNTALK
