Home Belief Disguise: Strut Safe
Self-Directed Project
From the given choices of 'Home,' 'Belief,' and 'Disguise,' I chose to focus on 'Home' for my project. In my quest, I stumbled upon a podcast addressing the concerns and experiences of women walking home alone, as well as potential solutions to enhance their safety. This topic holds personal significance to me, as I can empathise with the challenges of walking home alone. To delve deeper, I conducted research on the existing initiatives and discovered 'Strut Safe,' an organisation offering a helpline for individuals walking alone, providing a supportive voice during their journey. Inspired by the potential future of this organisation on a national scale, I embarked on redesigning its brand identity. My designs encompass a fresh logo, a carefully selected colour palette symbolising equality and progress, and an exciting collaboration with Moo Moo (Club) and the University of Derby.
Strut Safe

Strut Safe
