UMWELT (the game)
In this project, my approach to Animal intelligence was "How would viewing intelligence as a spectrum, rather than a binary trait exclusive to humans, change my understanding of intelligence?". I believe if I had the knowledge of animal intelligence in my childhood the predominant theory of human superiority would not have been hard wired into my brain. As a student I know there is no immediate solution to ensure that the society thinks differently, but for slow change I designed approaches to better the problem. In all my ideas my target audience are children because they are the upcoming generation of the world and if they break away from the thought process of human superiority, the future would be better and more inclusive. My final outcome was a game "umwelt".
My idea initially started with using a dumcharades template for the game and propose situtation such as " act like a frightened cat because the dog is in the room- only using sounds ans movement" but it would only appeal to ages 5-7 where the seriousness or the importance of the game would not register into their memory.
After reworking on the idea I made it a challenge based territorial game for ages 12 and above. My process involved a lot of problem solving and troubleshooting in order to have smoother logistics in the game. However to take it a step forward or make it better testing, feedback, and revision from experienced individuals would have helped the design interface of the game.