Melissa Mora's profile

Toronto illustrated maps

Two Toronto Neighborhoods maps
Illustrated maps

I had the incredible opportunity to bring the vibrant neighbourhoods of Liberty Village and Yorkville in Toronto to life through my illustrations. I embarked on creating two captivating maps of my city as part of the parallel activities around the ULI Spring meeting in Toronto in 2023. 

These maps not only showcase the iconic landmarks that define these neighbourhoods but also capture their unique charm and character. From historic buildings to trendy hotspots, every map was carefully crafted by the Kasian team to showcase the essence of Liberty Village and Yorkville. 
The result? Engaging and visually lovely maps that truly celebrate the spirit of these iconic Toronto neighbourhoods.

Overall, this project was an exciting opportunity to combine my love for illustration with my passion for showcasing the unique characteristics of different places. 
Additionally, the maps are interactive, users can save the landmarks on Google Maps for easy reference, so it is not just a pretty map; it's functional. 


Toronto illustrated maps


Toronto illustrated maps
