Buenos dias,

Ilusiones es un proyecto que nace de buscar expresar en fotografías, las cosas que nos evitan ver la realidad y expresarnos, tambien el ambiente que muchas veces nos rodea.

- Las Ilusiones, que cubren nuestros ojos de la verdad.
- Los Miedos, que nos hacen imposible expresar lo que pensamos y sentimos.
- El Criticismo Social y el desanimo de las personas.

Quisiera saber sus opiniones, Muchas Gracias.


Good morning, 
Illusions is a project born of seeking to express in photographs, things that prevent us from seeing reality and express ourselves, too often the environment that surrounds us. 

- Illusions, covering our eyes from the truth. 
- Fears that make it impossible for us to express what we think and feel. 
- The Social Criticism and discouragement of people. 

I would like to know your thoughts, Thank You.


Fotografía por: Luis Alberto López  
Photo By: Luis Alberto López



Good morning, Illusions is a project born of seeking to express in photographs, things that prevent us from seeing reality and express ourselve Read More


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