Self | Identity & UI/UX

Self is a media service that helps young people to integrate into adulthood, quickly and simply learn how to cope with difficulties. Are you moving, can't cook, a light bulb has burned out, or do you need to transplant flowers? Instructions, articles and videos collected in one place will help solve any problem without unnecessary nerves.

In this project we developed a prototype of the service's web interface, its detailed design system, and also engaged in brand identity and promotion on social networks.


As a visual metaphor for the design we took a box scan which helps to pack all the necessary knowledge into a start pack of independent life. We take orange-colored boxes, paste them with bright stickers and write handwritten notes so that we don't forget anything. The carriers of our identity are bright and at the same time very warm, full of home comfort — this is how Self wants to be for its users.


In parallel with branding, we were promoting Self on social networks and posted on VK, Telegram and Instagram useful household tips and just fun content. We have 8 types of posts, for which there are now templates, so go to our social networks and check it out. And in Telegram, we have prepared a custom sticker pack for our subscribers.

Self | Identity & UI/UX

Self | Identity & UI/UX

Приходишь в магазин и не знаешь, как выбрать хороший лимон? Стирка превращается в квест, а взаимодействие с МФЦ вызывает тревогу? Наш сервис помо Read More
