Xiao Rabby's profileWei Jun Wang's profile

洄游 Migration

2014 樹德科技大學
視覺傳達設計系 畢業設計展 「 洄游 Migration 」
 SHU-TE University Department of Visual Communication Design 2014 Graduation Exhibition
 Pin-Liang Chen、Ben-Kuei Xiao、Chen-Cheng Wu、Pei-Ling Ou、Wei-jun Wang, Student

《中国之星设计奖暨中国包装设计奖 2015  張貼類- Finalist》
《澳門設計雙年展 Macau Design Biennial 2015  海報類- Finalist》

《 玻利維亞國際海報雙年展 The Biennial of the Poster Bolivia BICeBe 》入選 _ Finalist

《 Hiiibrand Awards 2014 》Identity (Student  Level)

《 德國紅點設計獎 reddot award 2014 品牌類 》-Winner
Reddot  Award 2014 winner

《 高雄市廣告創意協會第5屆臺灣創意之星設計獎 2014 》
評審獎_ Special Jury Prize
《 臺灣國際學生創意設計大賽-視覺設計類 2014》-入圍_ Finalist
《 新一代設計展_視覺傳達設計類 2014》 – 入圍 _ Finalist
《  青春設計節_場地空間競賽 2014   》– 銀獎_ Silver Award
《 青春設計節_平面設計競賽 2014 》–入圍決選_ Finalist
《 放視大賞Vision Get Wild_平面類》–入圍決選_ Finalist

  In response to the three thematic contents of “local, traditional, public welfare” developed by 34 graduating exhibition design teams; we systematically integrated visual design, and implied life as a river, in which we will encounter high and low tides, and return with rich experience and contribute to the homeland, after repeated trial and error. The project was based on the visual concepts to integrate and develop the exhibition’s image identity, posters, animation and other auxiliary applications, allowing participants to fully experience the meaning of image theme design and the spirit of the graduates.
Migration is the theme of the graduation exhibition for Department of Visual Communication Design, Shu-Te University. This work signifies salmon migrate from the ocean to their birthplace in upstream river and spawn there. In the journey, the difficulties they overcome would bring them a better future. In the design, the river is a metaphor to life. After getting through different high and low tides in the lifelong journey, one would eventually return with rich experience and contribute substantially to the society. 
Design of Standard Colors and Fonts:
The standard color of this work is set based on the ideology of salmon migration journey, in which navy blue represents water and orange represents migrating salmon. The two Chinese character ”洄游” (migration) are designed by the old Chinese word of “water” and the construct of rivers. And a set of application fonts are derived from this concept. 
Design Application
Except for some basic stationary peripheral products, a series of special products related to the concept of “journey” are created as well, including luggage-like containers, passport-like notebooks, stamps, contactless IC pass cards, postcards, and so on. 
Design Application 2:
The exhibition booth is designed based on the ideology of water, such as the projection effect of ripples and streamline chairs. The animation entails the three elements—birth, growth, and gather—which are decoded from the visual elements in the poster shown upfront. 
洄游 Migration

洄游 Migration

“Migration” is the graduation exhibition for Department of Visual Communication Design of SHU-TE University. As salmon migrate from the ocean, sw Read More
