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Interview with a synesthete

I had heard about the neurological condition, synesthesia, a while back and it was something that I had always held an interest in but when I spoke to others about it, I was surprised to find out that not many people really had heard of it.
For my minor project in my final year at university, I decided to explore the depths of this fascinating condition. I got in contact with the UK Synaesthesia Association and then that is when I heard from Tim Layden.
Tim is an American artist and teacher who lives in London and has the condition chromesthesia, a form of synesthesia where one involuntarily experiences shapes and colours from the sound.
I had an interview with Tim in hope to gain more of an insight for myself and others of the truly intriguing condition that is synesthesia.
Interview with a synesthete

Interview with a synesthete

An interview with artist Tim Layden, who has the condition synesthesia
