I'd like to share this post to show that Midjourney isn't the only option for creating. I used Clip Drop Stable Doodle to make this, creating the horse and girl separately. Then, I enhanced them with details, backgrounds, lighting, and more in Photoshop. Finally, I added overlays in After Effects. Remember, if you have a goal, find a way to achieve it. Check out the result here; it's not flawless, but it's a step forward.
I am adding the link below, do explore it; it's not perfect but it's something
You can even animate it on RUNWAY, As I mentioned, it might not be flawless, but it serves well for those unfamiliar with After Effects. I gave animating a shot on Runway, but the outcome wasn't quite as anticipated. It might not be flawless, yet it offered a unique and satisfactory result.


