Cailyn Graham's profile

Composition & History Genres - Fashion Photography



For this project I chose Fashion Photography. What inspired me to choose fashion photography was that I have always been interested in fashion, especially across different generations capturing a moment in their lives when they were 18 years old. I thought it would be interesting to do a photoshoot with three generations of my own family. What I learned is that during each generation there were many different styles of fashion each year. I focused on what the model might have worn during the year when they were eighteen years old.

I originally, wanted to do the photoshoots outside however because of the rainy weather I had to improvise and move the photoshoot inside.  It was hard having to work around three individual schedules and improve with props when I switched to indoor for 2 of the models. I had difficulty with lighting because it was not in a controlled studio. It was challenging for me because of the lighting. Every time I moved to a different position I had to change the settings on my camera a lot, which took longer to take the shots. I was a little disappointed with the outcome because it wasn't exactly what is wanted. Unfortunately I had to come up with a "plan b" and even a "plan c" for some ideas but I think they turned out good overall. 

Each photo was a moment in time, as I tried to show what each generation might have looked like.  The photo's of my grandmother represent the mid 1960's.  A black and white filter was added to assist in making the photo look older.  The cigarettes and Coca Cola were added as props to show the era.  The photo's of my mother represent the 1990's, when she would have been 18.  Bright colours, mom jeans, Polo shirts and arcades represent the era well.  My sister represents present day.  Her photos didn't turn out like I had hoped, but they are meant to show how technology and "social media" have actually caused isolation.

I tried to show how different life was even though each photo represents a similar moment in time.
Composition & History Genres - Fashion Photography

Project Made For

Composition & History Genres - Fashion Photography


Creative Fields