C H E C K - U P  P A T T E R N S
With only 9% of Romanian women getting the breast screening they need, we wanted to incorporate self-check into something every woman has: the traditional Romanian blouse. We've teamed-up with fashion icon Lana Dumitru and reinterpreted the traditional embroidery patterns into check-up patterns that open the health conversation for every woman, young or old, from the city or the traditional country side. Our design made it to the cover of Elle Magazine!With only 9% of Romanian women getting the breast screening they need, we wanted to incorporate self-check into something every woman has: the traditional Romanian blouse. We've teamed-up with fashion icon Lana Dumitru and reinterpreted the traditional embroidery patterns into check-up patterns that open the health conversation for every woman, young or old, from the city or the traditional country side. Our design made it to the cover of Elle Magazine!