Andrés Silva's profile

Dare2Scale: Intensive Acceleration Program

Dare2Scale: Intensive Acceleration Program for Startups.

Originally hailing from Bulgaria, the Dare2Scale program finds its roots as an adaptation within the Latin American market, inspired by an innovative Bulgarian initiative. My role in this venture centered on implementing the brand in the Latin American ecosystem, with a particular focus on Ecuador.

My efforts were dedicated to crafting the visual identity of the brand, aligning with Bulgarian guidelines while giving paramount consideration to the narrative of the brand voice and its identity within our national context.

Specifically, I endeavored to establish a compelling narrative that would inspire our target audience to apply for our intensive acceleration program. The narrative leaned into phrases encouraging individuals to step beyond their comfort zones and courageously engage in the ascent, or "launch," towards scaling new heights.

The culmination of these efforts resulted in the inception of the slogan I conceived: "Unleash your potential," encapsulating the program's core essence.

The texts and visuals were meticulously devised to challenge high-impact entrepreneurs to explore a groundbreaking program, a first-of-its-kind in the country. Graphics were strategically employed to illustrate venturesome activities, symbolizing risk, yet promising substantial rewards—akin to the satisfaction derived from conquering peaks after navigating challenging climbs.

Copywriting based on brand narrative:

Spanish version:

Presentamos el nuevo capítulo de Endeavor: #DareToScale!

Después de cinco años impulsando emprendimientos de alto impacto en Ecuador, golpeamos el tablero y redefinimos nuestro programa de aceleración con una renovada y desafiante propuesta que busca inyectar años luz de aceleramiento a los emprendedores y sus compañías.

#DareToScale es un programa intensivo que refleja la evolución de #EndeavorEcuador, capturando los descubrimientos clave de años anteriores y catalizándolos para ofrecer una experiencia que se adapta a las necesidades, retos y oportunidades del emprendedor moderno.

Este renovado enfoque se estructura en tres pilares fundamentales: Acceso a #Mercado, Acceso a #Capital y Acceso a #Networking. Cada uno respaldado por la vasta experiencia de Endeavor en la implementación de programas de aceleración a nivel global.

#DareToScale no solo se destaca como el programa con #mentorías de primer nivel, #talleres especializados, un track exclusivo para #MujeresFundadoras y eventos de fondeo como nuestro #DemoDay, sino que también impulsa el espíritu de Endeavor a través del #EfectoMultiplicador. Buscamos crear una cultura de expansión y retribución, donde los emprendedores que atraviesan nuestros programas generen un impacto exponencial en nuevas generaciones alrededor del mundo.

Con #DareToScale, los emprendedores no solo acelerarán sus empresas a niveles nunca antes imaginados, sino que también descubrirán nuevas dimensiones de éxito en cada una de sus verticales.

¿Estás listo para desatar tu potencial? 🌐

#DareToScale #DesataTuPotencial #EfectoMultiplicador

English version:

Presenting the new chapter of Endeavor: #DareToScale!

After five years of driving high-impact entrepreneurship in Ecuador, we're shaking things up and redefining our acceleration program with a refreshed and challenging proposal. Our aim is to inject light-years of acceleration into entrepreneurs and their companies.
#DareToScale is an intensive program that mirrors the evolution of #EndeavorEcuador, capturing key insights from previous years and catalyzing them to provide an experience tailored to the needs, challenges, and opportunities of the modern entrepreneur.

This revamped approach is structured around three core pillars: Access to #Market, Access to #Capital, and Access to #Networking. Each is backed by Endeavor's extensive experience in implementing acceleration programs globally.

#DareToScale stands out not only as a program with top-notch #mentoring, specialized #workshops, an exclusive track for #WomenFounders, and funding events like our #DemoDay, but it also propels the Endeavor spirit through the #MultiplierEffect. We aim to foster a culture of expansion and giving back, where entrepreneurs who undergo our programs create an exponential impact on new generations worldwide.

With #DareToScale, entrepreneurs will not only accelerate their companies to unprecedented levels but also discover new dimensions of success in each of their verticals.

Are you ready to unleash your potential? 🌐

#DareToScale #UnleashYourPotential #MultiplierEffect


As part of the new program campaign, I was responsible for designing and creating content for the new website displayed below:

Dare2Scale: Intensive Acceleration Program


Dare2Scale: Intensive Acceleration Program
