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Golden Hour Visions: Cynthia Halpenny

Golden Hour Visions: Cynthia Halpenny
Creative 2 Assignment 
Photo was taken on January 17th, 2024 at 4:50 PM at Algonquin College. 
The challenges I faced while capturing this image was the angle, I could not get the shot I originally thought of because of the buildings in the way. I had to move to the road "island" quickly to get this shot.

Photo was taken on January 17th, 2024 at 4:49 PM at Algonquin College.
The light from the sunset impacted a lot in my image. You can see the reflection of the different colours on the road, the reflection in the building windows shows colours the from sky, and the snow is a darker shade because of the sky. The mood the light from the sky provides is happiness and energy, with the yellow, pink, and purple tones. 
Photo was taken on January 17th, 2024 at 4:51 PM at Algonquin College.
This picture was more difficult to capture because I had already been outside for approximately 15 minutes taking pictures of the sky and the sun was setting fast. About 3 minutes later the sun had set, so I was in a time crunch. I experienced some difficulty with my phone settings while taking these pictures as well because every time I set the exposure to what I thought looked nice, it would reset. So the key to capturing sunset pictures on your phone is to do them fast and edit the imperfections after because you do not have a lot of time.
Overall I really liked this assignment because I LOVE sunsets and learning about the lighting and pollution (sadly) have an effect on the colours of the sky. 
Golden Hour Visions: Cynthia Halpenny

Golden Hour Visions: Cynthia Halpenny


Creative Fields