HarrisonMulholland Bunyan's profile

Workbook - Specialist Workflows

Specialist Workflows
Week 1
Task 1 - Analyzing Composites & Posters in depth
This appears to be a composite of two photos - one long exposure of the sky and one landscape wide angle with a deep DOF of the terrain. If not a long exposure of the sky, it's likely an image taken with a specialised camera elsewhere.
Task 2 - Composite Mindmap
Week 2
This week we took photos with the intent of learning how to perform skin retouching.
Here are the initial, post-processed photos with no retouching.
Task 1 - Skin Retouch Tutorials
Notes on Videos

Create adjustment layer and paint
Or use dodge burn tool

Content aware, soft brush
Spot heal to remove fly away and blemishes and wrinkles
Clone stamp for bigger jobs
Week 3 
Here is the photo I chose to retouch.
On the face, I used the spot healing tool to remove dry skin, blemishes and flyaway hairs around the forehead. I also got rid of stray stubble, cleaned up the eyebrows as best I could and smoothed the edges of the moustache so there aren't any stray hairs.
I used the dodge tool to lighten some areas around the forehead and the creases of the nose. I also used the clone stamp tool on the neck to remove the red line around the adam's apple area, and burned some areas to blend it in with the darker side of the neck which did not need as much work as the shadows hide much of the skin's detail.
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Workbook - Specialist Workflows

Workbook - Specialist Workflows
