Rog Rapture GtBe98Pro

這次冒險是為了尋找Wifi 7,一種能在遊戲中實現無時間差體驗的革命性技術。
穿越高科技走廊,感受未來氛圍。機器人巡邏,科技導航引領隊伍,抵達Wifi 7的聖殿。

彷彿成為遊戲宇宙的主宰,解放於Wifi 7的魔法中,帶你進入一場無拘無束的數位冒險。
在這科技樂園中,找到Wifi 7寶藏,同時發現科技為我們帶來的無限可能性。

Entering the RogRapture universe base feels like stepping into a technological wonderland full of endless possibilities.
The mission is to discover a revolutionary treasure – Wifi 7,
a technology that ensures a seamless gaming experience without any lag.
Navigating through futuristic corridors, guided by robots and high-tech navigation, 
the team reaches the Wifi 7 sanctuary emitting a captivating blue glow.
This technology allows for instant command transmission, granting perfect control over the gaming rhythm.
In this tech haven, gaming is no longer bound by time constraints.
You become the master of the gaming universe, exploring and battling without the frustration of lag.
Wifi 7's magic liberates you into an unrestricted digital adventure, highlighting the marvels of technology.
This journey not only enhances gaming but also unveils the potential of technology. The RogRapture base, a city of the future, sparks anticipation for technological advancements. In this tech paradise, discovering Wifi 7's treasure parallels the limitless possibilities technology brings.


Client | ASUS
Presented by| MOONSHINE
Director | 李劭謙
Producer | 葉傳耀
Project Manager | MISA
Production Coordinator | 咖哩、方缺
Motion Designer | 林家瑋、吳佳益、林俊安
Compositor | 余如晨

Thank you for watching.


Rog Rapture GtBe98Pro

Rog Rapture GtBe98Pro


Creative Fields