Teerit Kaoplod's profile

LuNasYntHesis BIRB??

Lunasynthesis bird. This thing came to my mind when i thought " Can't first ring of food chain be an animal???" "why does it always has to be plant?? ". 

Usually the first creature in food chain suppose to convert Sunlight or light energy into some kind of nutrients and store it in themselves but it's always grass or some small plants that does this job.

so i thought what if i give the same job (photosynthesis to store energy in it's body and get eaten) to a creature that can escape and fly. That will certainly be more interesting biological concept.

This bird has 3 eyes all eyes of them have same jobs. That being 1. for seeing 2. receiving light and Lunasynthesis. This creature only come out at night to lunasynthesis and it flies high to receive more moonlight to store more energy. High clear sky is also where they got eaten by predators....

LuNasYntHesis BIRB??