DOSSIER RIGOLETTO (The Rigoletto file)
Poster for a theatre performance (1989)

Hypnotized by a gramophone, a hybrid of dog and woman listens without flinching to his Master’s Voice...

Selected work:
1st International Poster Biennial in Mexico, 1990
Contemporary Poster Art in Quebec, Guangdong, China, 2001
The Poster in Quebec, from its origins to today, Montreal 2001
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts permanent collection
OBJET, BESOIN, DÉSIR (object, need, desire)
Institutional poster for the School of Industrial Design, University of Montreal (1997)

The subject of this poster explores the connection between designer, design product, and consumer. The dog bone, along with the words OBJET, BESOIN, DÉSIR (object, need, desire), and their definitions, refer to Pavlov's famous theory on conditioned reflexes, a concept long understood — unfortunately, by advertising and marketing.

Selected work:
5th International Biennial of the Poster in Mexico, 1998
Contemporary Poster Art in Quebec, Guangdong, China, 2001
The Poster in Quebec, from its origins to today, Montreal 2001 
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts permanent collection
SEEDS OF PEACE: the Healing Power of Dialogue (2012)

This international competition was part of the larger Social Design Poster project, aiming to create value by developing dialogue on important topical issues and, at the same time, spreading the culture of graphic design.

The purpose of dialogue is to understand others — not just to share our independent views. As such, in this poster, each character (cat and dog) speaks the other’s language, a first gesture of goodwill, symbolizing understanding, respect, and tolerance.

Selected poster in the international competition Social Design Poster, Italy, 2012

