TimeTracker - SaaS UI/UX Design Solution

User Research
Delving into user research, exploring diverse personas to understand unique needs and pain points is crucial in shaping our design strategy. This ensures our solutions resonate with real-world user expectations and challenges.

Information Architecture
The information architecture of our product is meticulously designed to create a seamless and intuitive user experience. By organizing and structuring data logically, we ensure effortless navigation, facilitating quick access to essential features.

This thoughtfully crafted information architecture enhances user efficiency and engagement, forming the backbone of a user-friendly and efficient system.

Lo-fi Sketch
We leverage the power of hand sketches to experiment and ideate, swiftly translating concepts into tangible solutions. This tactile exploration allows us to quickly iterate and refine ideas, fostering a dynamic and innovative design process.

The sign-up/login page of time tracking software is the initial step for users to access its features and functionality. The page includes options for creating a new account or logging into an existing one. Users can sign up by providing their email address with a password, or they can also choose to sign up/login with their social media accounts (Google, Apple).

Dashboard provides key stats at a glance, including productivity, availability,
and focused time, offering insights into overall team utilizations. Users can tailor
the dashboard to their needs by filtering teams and time periods, ensuring a personalised and informative overview of time-tracking metrics.

Team Insights
Team Insights offers detailed reports on time utilization, offering a comprehensive view of team strengths and areas for improvement. By gauging overall team health and productivity hours, this feature empowers teams to make informed decisions, strategically allocate resources, and optimize workflow for enhanced efficiency.

Engagement Insights provides a snapshot of top engagement software, tracking recurring revenue and diverse domain utilization. Access real-time data on recent engagements and upcoming events, empowering teams with actionable insights to enhance collaboration and productivity.

Leaderboard highlights employee rankings based on performance metrics, including meeting attendance, total time tracked, and historical meeting patterns. Providing transparency and fostering healthy competition, it empowers teams to optimize time management practices and drive individual and collective excellence.

Calendar Insights provides detailed work pattern analytics, helping teams optimize schedules for peak productivity. The integrated calendar ensures punctuality for meetings, enhancing overall time management efficiency.

Apps & Integrations
Unified Workflow TimeTracker's Seamless Integrations
TimeTracker - SaaS UI/UX Design Solution

TimeTracker - SaaS UI/UX Design Solution

Timetracker is a powerful time-tracking software that helps teams stay on top of their productivity and manage their time effectively. With its k Read More
