Root  is an innovative online learning platform dedicated to preserving and promoting Nigerian languages and culture. Offering engaging language courses that cater to a diverse audience, both within and outside Nigeria.
The brand identity was designed to align seamlessly with the platform's core objectives of culture preservation and inclusivity. Every visual element was chosen to transcend cultural barriers, ensuring representation for individuals of diverse backgrounds. In selecting the color palette, the use of green and white was embraced to connect with Nigeria's cultural richness, while additional colors were incorporated to convey a sense of diversity and openness.
The elements were designed to maintain a modern aesthetic while also evoking a local Nigerian feel. This careful balance ensured that the brand's visual identity had a contemporary appeal with a distinct Nigerian twist. The thoughtful selection of colors, particularly the integration of shades of green to reflect Nigeria's cultural heritage, fosters a profound sense of belonging and recognition among users from various cultural backgrounds.
The logo represents a playful tree with roots, featuring a creative fusion of the letter "T" with roots extending from its base. This innovative concept not only serves as a visual representation of the brand's name but also embodies its values of growth, stability, and interconnectedness. The playful design of the tree conveys a sense of vitality and energy, while the incorporation of roots emphasizes the brand's commitment to bringing Nigerians to roots and cultural heritage. The brand's identity is powerfully symbolized by the logo, which captures its essence and goals in an eye-catching and unforgettable way.


