Self Still Lifes

Self Still Lifes is a concept of my personal generative identity based on people’s feedback. This is a story of looking for who I am—a story of a failed pursuit.

Some people say that we are what we eat, or rather, we are what we speak and how we look. In a way, we try to design our personal identity every day by means of clothing we wear, devices we use, books we read, shows we watch, and music we listen to.

But actually, it isn’t true. The point is that each person I communicate with sees me in a different way. In fact, there are multiple identities generated by my friends, acquaintances or strangers.
So how to solve this problem? At first, I asked random people a few simple questions about myself. Just as I expected, their answers had almost nothing in common. Then I converted those data into the visual language by means of signs, patterns, typography, and 3D objects so that each item affected the final picture.
As a result, a collection of 15 pictures was generated where every object, colour, pattern, and even layout represent data and can be decoded. Here are a few of them.
Research process
Self Still Lifes

Self Still Lifes

This is a concept of my personal generative identity based on people’s feedback.
