Chin Yi Hong's profile

FAÇIA 发县 · 柔佛 | Vol. 1

概念 / Concept

近年來,馬來西亞的店屋設計逐漸偏離傳統建築特色,轉向現代審美和潮流,以迎合年輕人的喜好。然而,這種趨勢導致馬來西亞傳統店屋設計的失傳,使得新一代年輕人逐漸失去對馬來西亞傳統文化和歷史發展的認知。 因此,我想透過這個項目,利用多媒體設計學習到的知識與技術,來永久地保存這些即將消失的傳統店屋,並以年輕人喜愛的方式傳承下去。

In recent years, Malaysia's shop house designs have veered away from traditional architecture, embracing modern aesthetics to appeal to young people. Unfortunately, this shift has led to the loss of traditional design elements, causing the younger generation to disconnect from Malaysia's cultural heritage and history. Through this project, I aim to use multimedia design knowledge to preserve these disappearing traditional shop houses and pass them on in a way that resonates with the younger generation.


The name FAÇIA is derived from the combination of the Chinese word "發現" (discovery) and the English word "façade". Through observing the exterior of traditional shop houses, I hope people can appreciate the beauty of traditional culture and understand the stories behind each shop house. To accomplish this, I had a trip to traverse each district of Johor state, meticulously documenting the traditional shop houses encountered along the way. I then determine the representative shop houses for each district based on their unique characteristics.

3D 模型 / 3D Modeling


The function of each shop house will be represented through decorative elements. This approach not only makes the models of the shop houses more engaging but also enables people to more easily understand the stories behind each shop house through its façade.

紀念品 / Souvenir


In terms of physical deliverable, the primary goal is to present it as a souvenir. I believe that currently, most souvenirs related to traditional culture on the market are mainly items with only collectible value, such as keychains, puzzles, clothing, & etc, lacking interactivity. Therefore, the presentation of FAÇIA is an AR puzzle, emphasizing interaction with the user.

交互 / Interaction


The interaction with the rear camera mainly involves clicking buttons to observe the exterior of the shop house and seek information.


The interaction with the front camera mainly involves fun mini-games or filters to convey the function of the shop house. For example, the interaction with Kedai Biskut Chop Hua Bee in Muar is based on the type of mooncakes to test the user's personality.

You can experience this work by scanning the image below with QR code.

謝謝觀看 / Thank You For Watching
- 學生畢業作品 / Student's Final Year Project Only -

FAÇIA 发县 · 柔佛 | Vol. 1