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Bjork Concept Pattern Design

Power of Pattern
My patterns aim to convey the evaluation of Björk's music and the diverse evolution of her musical style throughout her journey as an artist-the evolution of these designs refrencing the evolution of Bjork. Referencing Icelandic pattern work in my design, I pay homage to Björk's music, deeply rooted in her Icelandic heritage. Utilizing different sine waves as the foundation of my pattern work, I symbolize the core essence of electronic music, akin to Björk's. Three distinct sine waves—sine, square, and triangle—embody her varied music generation stages. Furthermore, color delineates the progression of her music, shifting from the warm hues of songs like ‘Venus as a Boy’ to the colder, more abrasive tones of ‘Pluto.
Past Design- "Venus as a Boy"
For my exploration for the past, I was inspired by the song “Venus as a Boy”. This song is a very warm, dreamlike song, and explores ideas of love and infatuations, existing in the era of music before her major tonal shift. Like many of her early songs, Bjorks music heavily relied on Indian instruments, therfore I was inspired by Indian patterns for this pattern. I was inspired by bunches of roses, a symbol of love and passion for the core of the design. I also utilise the sine wave, as it is the most natural sounding wave for electronic music. 
Present Design- "Earth Intruders"
Final version of "Venus as a Boy" pattern
For this piece, I based the pattern on the song “Earth Intruders”, an era of Bjork's discography that marks the change from here more traditional sense of music to an experimental style. This song is very cold, and focuses on poverty-stricken people globally, therefore I wanted to include those cage like elements in my pattern, the design mimicking snowflakes as well as barbed wire. For the piece, i used the square wave as the core of the patterns, sine the sound is very polarizing, similar to the sounds of Bjork's new era of music. 
Final version of "Earth Intruders" pattern
Future Design- "Pluto"
For this piece, I based the pattern on the song “Pluto”, an era of Bjork's discography that marks her full transition to experimental music.This song is far from anything in the mainstream, chartered by its heavy-techno track, and industrial sounding instruments. Unlike her previous music, this song is pure digital and harsh, like a saw blade. Therefore I wanted to capture that energy in my final piece. For this pattern, I based it off the sawtooth wave, the most harshest an unnatural sounding wave, again capturing this stage of Bjork music.
Final version of "Pluto" pattern
Bjork Concept Pattern Design

Bjork Concept Pattern Design


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