Martin Shaffu's profile

Business Outlook 2024

Christie & Co. are a commercial real estate agent that buy and sell properties across several sectors, nationwide and internationally.

Business Outlook is an annual event based on activity that has taken place over the past twelve months of a calendar year, covering all topics across every sector that Christie & Co. work in.  In line with the event every January, a report is printed that highlights all the keypoints, highlights and statistics the reflect on the past as well as forecasts for the next twelve months.

The deliverables for 2024 were a printed booklet which involves its own brand (using our guidelines), infographics to supply the website as well as the report, digital assets to support our social media campaigns and all channels, and the website which was the control of the report for this year.
A look below at the process of mocking up a front cover, which was the origin to finding the right theme for the project.
An example of social posts and slides for pitches below.
Business Outlook 2024


Business Outlook 2024
