Anna Monroe's profile

Vectorworks Promo Responsive Microsite

// WEB

For the 2015 release of Vectorworks software, we really wanted to do something different... something that would grab viewers's attention, be interactive, and really show off some of the new features in the software. We felt it was important to allow them the flexibility to peruse the site whenever and wherever they wanted, no matter the device, so making it responsive was key.

I teamed up with one of our developers to create a microsite that walked users through the new software features as they scrolled. This was somewhat of a risk as several of the company’s committed users were notorious for being less receptive to change. However, it paid off as we received an immense amount of positive feedback and we were able to help the company in its transition to a more contemporary brand which was launched in Fall 2015.

To view the site, visit

This was designed to complement the brochure, also found in my portfolio here.
Above: original concept proposed
Check out this video displaying the interactivity of the microsite.
Some of the initial sketches and storyboarding to come up with ideas for the features to animate and interact with the visitor. Due to time constraints, we unfortunately were not able to do everything we had envisioned, but we were still pretty pleased with the way it came out.
In addition to the microsite, we also wanted to create a unique experience for the Press, to really build up some hype about the new look. Here they could sign up for demos & the press call, download packages of box shots, headshots, etc. as well as gather more information about the company and the release before anyone else.

To view the pressroom page, visit
Vectorworks Promo Responsive Microsite

Vectorworks Promo Responsive Microsite

A responsive and interactive website design for the 2015 release of Vectorworks software.
