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Hatch 2024 – Graft Cider

In a brief set by London design agency Brand Opus, the project aim was to create a UK based cider which broke typical cider conventions, whilst appealing to new people and occasions. 'Make Cider the drink you must be seen with'.

With a target market of 18 - 34 year olds, Graft Cider aims to cause a stir in the cider market as the ultimate drink for singletons who are out ‘on the graft’. The brand name was inspired by two definitions of the word Graft;

1. A method of propagating fruit trees.
2. Gen Z adopted word meaning to flirt.
Crafted in Somerset, Graft is a mass market, flavoured cider which comes in three different flavour combinations.
Graft comes packaged in 440ml cans and can be purchased in various supermarkets and venues. With 7.5% ABV, Graft has a greater alcohol content than most mass market ciders, making it a stand out choice when it comes to going on a night out.
The can designs are clean but vibrant, using colours inspired by the flavour combinations.
The body copy overlaps and interacts with the imagery to evoke a playful and relaxed feeling. Flirty, fun language is used to complement the brand’s concept.
The logotype is comprised of two primary typefaces which have been fused together to mirror two things being grafted together. Whether that is two tree branches coming together, two people forming a relationship, or an apple falling in love with a blueberry. Duality is very important to our brand’s ethos.

Genica One mirrors the sweet yet crisp flavour of apple with its smooth and sharp edges. Whilst Nazare Exuberant’s sharper letter ends evoke the sharp, tart taste of cranberry, blueberry and raspberry.
Hatch 2024 – Graft Cider


Hatch 2024 – Graft Cider
