Jacquelin Scudiero's profile

Belonging Marketing Campaign

After exploring various options and discussing with Brother Kerry, I suggested launching a marketing campaign for Ensign College called "I Belong Here."

During a devotional on March 26, Brother Carl Hernandez, the first Vice President of Belonging at BYU, shared a statistic that has stayed with me:
“Recent surveys have found that approximately half of U.S. adults report experiencing loneliness, with some of the highest rates among young adults.

Despite such high prevalence, less than 20% of individuals who often or always feel lonely or isolated recognize it as a major problem.”

In Brother Hernandez's words, I discovered the importance of acknowledging our identity and understanding where we truly belong. This understanding helps us to remember our true selves and where we fit, even during times of loneliness. It enables us to seek comfort and support from others when needed.
Later on, I had the chance to design a poster for an event at Ensign College, where CES administrators visited to learn more about the college and invite individuals from their stakes and wards. In the poster, I included the phrase "You Belong Here" to extend a warm invitation and create a welcoming atmosphere.
The "I Belong Here" marketing campaign at Ensign College aims to cultivate a sense of belonging and inclusivity within the college community. Recognizing the significance of every individual's identity and the need to foster connections, this campaign seeks to create an environment where every member feels valued, supported, and accepted.
Ultimately, the "I Belong Here" marketing campaign is not just about promoting the college; it's about creating a sense of home for everyone within the Ensign College community. It's about reaffirming that regardless of background, everyone has a place where they belong and can flourish.
Belonging Marketing Campaign

Belonging Marketing Campaign
